Ghost Hunting Paranormal Equipment YES/NO Ghost Analyzer EMF Detector Meter
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The Yes / No Ghost Analyzer takes the place of the old flashlight technique. Each button is sensitive to paranormal frequency and can be used during an EVP session using a video camera to catch responses and to communicate with an energy or spirit. This device has light indicators and no audio alarm. This device requires two 9v batteries (not included). Do not use this device around EMF emitting devices as it could indicate a false reading. The buttons marked N and Y light up independently when accessed by the paranormal frequencies. The buttons are sensitive from approximately 3"-6" and do not need to be touched for them to activate under certain conditions. ********** The Yes / No Ghost Analyzer device is marked in distinct red and green because these are universal language indicators of "yes" and "no." Green and red are marked in both English and Spanish and buttons are marked with Y and N to help identify the button you choose the spirit to use in case the spirits cannot see or identify color. ********** It can be used for any two choice response questions ~ For example, the buttons can be used in the place of female and male. If you are a female, light up the green light. If you are a male, light of the red light and so on. This is a great tool to have on your investigations and will give you better evidence than unscrewing a flashlight and eliminates error or skepticism. Product is shipped in a cardboard box with waffle foam that can be used to store the device when not in use.